Results for 'Arthur M. Squires'

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  1.  11
    Power Generation and Environmental Change.David A. Berkowitz & Arthur M. Squires (eds.) - 2003 - MIT Press.
    This book discusses the effects that power generation has had on the land, the water, the air, and the biosphere.
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    The Tender Ship: Government Management of Technological Change. Arthur M. Squires.Virginia Dawson - 1989 - Isis 80 (1):172-173.
  3. What memory is for: Creating meaning in the service of action.Arthur M. Glenberg - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):1-19.
    I address the commentators' calls for clarification of theoretical terms, discussion of similarities to other proposals, and extension of the ideas. In doing so, I keep the focus on the purpose of memory: enabling the organism to make sense of its environment so that it can take action appropriate to constraints resulting from the physical, personal, social, and cultural situations.
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    “The Brain Is the Prisoner of Thought”: A Machine-Learning Assisted Quantitative Narrative Analysis of Literary Metaphors for Use in Neurocognitive Poetics.Arthur M. Jacobs & Annette Kinder - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (3):139-160.
    Two main goals of the emerging field of neurocognitive poetics are the use of more natural and ecologically valid stimuli, tasks and contexts and providing methods and models allowing to quantify distinctive features of verbal materials used in such tasks and contexts and their effects on readers responses. A natural key element of poetic language, metaphor, still is understudied insofar as relatively little empirical research looked at literary or poetic metaphors. An exception is Katz et al.’s corpus of 204 literary (...)
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  5. Radical changes in cognitive process due to technology.Arthur M. Glenberg - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (2):263-274.
    A strong case can be made that the cognitive system is designed for guiding action, not, for example, symbol manipulation. I review empirical work demonstrating the link between action and cognition with special attention to the processes of language comprehension. Next, I sketch an embodied cognition framework for integrating work on language understanding with a more general approach to cognition and action. This general approach considers contributions to action of bodily states, emotions, social and cultural processes, and learning within a (...)
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    The Vital Center.Arthur M. Schlesinger - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (2):246-249.
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    Some Things Do Not Go Better with Coke: A Comment on Gieryn's “Science and Coca-Cola”.Arthur M. Diamond - 1988 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 13 (1-2):75-77.
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    Quantifying the Beauty of Words: A Neurocognitive Poetics Perspective.Arthur M. Jacobs - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  9.  53
    What makes a metaphor literary? Answers from two computational studies.Arthur M. Jacobs & Annette Kinder - 2018 - Metaphor and Symbol 33 (2):85-100.
    ABSTRACTIn this article we investigate structural differences between “literary” metaphors created by renowned poets and “nonliterary” ones imagined by non-professional authors from Katz et al.’s 1988 corpus. We provide data from quantitative narrative analyses of the altogether 464 metaphors on over 70 variables, including surface features like metaphor length, phonological features like sonority score, or syntactic-semantic features like sentence similarity. In a first computational study using machine learning tools we show that Katz et al.’s literary metaphors can be successfully discriminated (...)
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  10.  35
    The economics of science.Arthur M. Diamond - 1996 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 9 (2):6-49.
    Increasing the “truth per dollar” of money spent on science is one legitimate long-run goal of the economics of science. But before this goal can be achieved, we need to increase our knowledge of the successes and failures of past and current reward structures of science. This essay reviews what economists have learned about the behavior of scientists and the reward structure of science. One important use of such knowledge will be to help policy-makers create a reward structure that is (...)
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  11.  28
    Morita Psychotherapy.Arthur M. Kleinman & David K. Reynolds - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):350.
  12.  19
    Sentiment Analysis of Children and Youth Literature: Is There a Pollyanna Effect?Arthur M. Jacobs, Berenike Herrmann, Gerhard Lauer, Jana Lüdtke & Sascha Schroeder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    If the words of natural human language possess a universal positivity bias, as assumed by Boucher and Osgood’s (1969) famous Pollyanna hypothesis and computationally confirmed for large text corpora in several languages (Dodds et al., 2015), then children and youth literature (CYL) should also show a Pollyanna effect. Here we tested this prediction applying a vector space model- based sentiment analysis tool called SentiArt (Jacobs, 2019) to two CYL corpora, one in English (372 books) and one in German (500 books). (...)
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    Fantasy and Adult Development.Arthur M. Langer - 2022 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (4):47-62.
    Abstract:As new digital technologies, consumer demand, and social issues such as COVID-19 render workplaces increasingly data-centric, employers will require culturally and technologically adept workers who can utilize creativity in every stage of the production process. To prepare students for this demand, institutions of higher education must establish flexible programs that provide professional or technical curricula combined with a liberal arts education that fosters students’ abilities to build imaginations beyond conventionally accepted norms. The capacity for creative fantasy intersects with cognitive maturity (...)
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    The natural goodness of man: on the system of Rousseau's thought.Arthur M. Melzer - 1990 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The true key to all the perplexities of the human condition, Rousseau boldly claims, is the “natural goodness of man.” It is also the key to his own notoriously contradictory writings, which, he insists, are actually the disassembled parts of a rigorous philosophical system rooted in that fundamental principle. What if this problematic claim—so often repeated, but as often dismissed—were resolutely followed and explored? Arthur M. Melzer adopts this approach in The Natural Goodness of Man. The first two parts (...)
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  15.  68
    Neurocognitive poetics: methods and models for investigating the neuronal and cognitive-affective bases of literature reception.Arthur M. Jacobs - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:138374.
    A long tradition of research including classical rhetoric, esthetics and poetics theory, formalism and structuralism, as well as current perspectives in (neuro)cognitive poetics has investigated structural and functional aspects of literature reception. Despite a wealth of literature published in specialized journals like Poetics, however, still little is known about how the brain processes and creates literary and poetic texts. Still, such stimulus material might be suited better than other genres for demonstrating the complexities with which our brain constructs the world (...)
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  16.  25
    “The End is Near!”: The Phenomenon of the Declaration of Closure in a Discipline.Arthur M. Silverstein - 1999 - History of Science 37 (4):407-425.
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    Stable values and variable constraints; the sources of behavioral and cultural differences.Arthur M. Diamond - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (1):49 - 58.
    If all differences in behavior are explainable in terms of universal values pursued under variable constraints, then much ethical theorizing is pointless. A strong presumption in favor of universal values can be established by showing that differences in behavior that were previously thought to be explainable only in terms of differences in values, can in fact be explained in terms of differences in constraints. Eleven such cases are briefly discussed, including cases of differences among racial, religious and other groups in (...)
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    Smart and Williams on Integrity.Arthur M. Wheeler - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:497-502.
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    Athens from Alexander to Antony (review).Arthur M. Eckstein - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (4):646-651.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Athens from Alexander to AntonyArthur M. EcksteinChristian Habicht. Athens from Alexander to Antony. Translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997. ix 1 369 pp. Cloth, $39.95.Among his several areas of expertise in ancient studies, Christian Habicht is one of our profession’s authorities on the history and monuments of Hellenistic Athens; and he is a writer of crystal-clear style in both German and [End Page 646] (...)
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  20. Language and action: creating sensible combinations of ideas.Arthur M. Glenberg - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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    Dondersian dreams in brain-mappers' minds, or, still no cross-fertilization between mind mappers and cognitive modelers?Arthur M. Jacobs & Frank Rösler - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):293-295.
  22. God and myth.Arthur M. Wheeler - 1964 - Hibbert Journal 62 (47):171.
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  23. What really matters.Arthur M. Diamond - 1998 - Journal of Economic Methodology 5 (2):305-310.
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  24. The limits of covariation.Arthur M. Glenberg & Sarita Mehta - 2008 - In Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser (eds.), Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 11.
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  25. The limits of covariation.Arthur M. Glenberg & Mehta & Sarita - 2008 - In Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser (eds.), Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Polybius, 'the treaty of philinus', and Roman accusations against carthage.Arthur M. Eckstein - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60 (2):406-426.
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    On generating the finitely satisfiable formulas.Arthur M. Bullock & Hubert H. Schneider - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (3):373-376.
  28.  48
    On computational theories and multilevel, multitask models of cognition: The case of word recognition.Arthur M. Jacobs - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):670-672.
  29.  32
    Has glenberg forgotten his nurse?Arthur M. Jacobs & Johannes C. Ziegler - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):26-27.
    Glenberg's conception of “meaning from and for action” is too narrow. For example, it provides no satisfactory account of the “logic of Elfland,” a metaphor used by Chesterton to refer to meaning acquired by being told something. All that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful instant we remember that we forget. G. K. Chesterton.
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    What the papers say: Does protein structure determine amino acid sequence?Arthur M. Lesk & D. Ross Boswell - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):407-410.
  31.  52
    Textualities in the Digital Age.Arthur M. Farley - 2013 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 3 (1):7-10.
    The article provides an overview of the symposium of the same name held at the University of Oregon on April 14, 2012. A summary of the presentations is included.
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    Corrigendum: Quantifying the Beauty of Words: A Neurocognitive Poetics Perspective.Arthur M. Jacobs - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  33.  13
    The Biographical Implications of Diderot's "Paradoxe sur le comédien".Arthur M. Wilson - 1961 - Diderot Studies 3:369 - 383.
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  34. Paths to the Present.Arthur M. Schlesinger & James Hart - 1950 - Science and Society 14 (2):172-175.
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    Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing.Arthur M. Melzer - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Philosophy Between the Lines is the first comprehensive, book-length study of the history and theoretical basis of philosophical esotericism, and it provides a crucial guide to how many major writings—philosophical, but also theological, ...
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    The analysis of protein structures: New insights from a growing data base.Arthur M. Lesk - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (3):105-110.
    We now know the structures of over 200 proteins to atomic resolution. Despite the impressive extent and quality of the results, crystal‐structure analysis has often been thought of as limited in scope, not only in its restriction to samples that can be crystallized, but in the more important respect that taking ‘snapshots’ of proteins does not directly address the complex spatio‐temporal organization of the processes in which proteins participate. It is suggested here that, as the field has matured, this second (...)
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  37.  29
    Contribution of Embodiment to Solving the Riddle of Infantile Amnesia.Arthur M. Glenberg & Justin Hayes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Introduction.Arthur M. Diamond - 1996 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 9 (2-3):3-5.
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    Introduction: Protein engineering.Arthur M. Lesk - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (2‐3):51-52.
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    10 years of BAWLing into affective and aesthetic processes in reading: what are the echoes?Arthur M. Jacobs, Melissa L.-H. Võ, Benny B. Briesemeister, Markus Conrad, Markus J. Hofmann, Lars Kuchinke, Jana Lüdtke & Mario Braun - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127321.
    Reading is not only “cold” information processing, but involves affective and aesthetic processes that go far beyond what current models of word recognition, sentence processing, or text comprehension can explain. To investigate such “hot” reading processes, standardized instruments that quantify both psycholinguistic and emotional variables at the sublexical, lexical, inter-, and supralexical levels (e.g., phonological iconicity, word valence, arousal-span, or passage suspense) are necessary. One such instrument, the Berlin Affective Word List (BAWL) has been used in over 50 published studies (...)
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    Modeling a theory without a model theory, or, computational modeling “after feyerabend”.Arthur M. Jacobs & Jonathan Grainger - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):46-47.
    Levelt et al. attempt to “model their theory” with WEAVER ++. Modeling theories requires a model theory. The time is ripe for a methodology for building, testing, and evaluating computational models. We propose a tentative, five-step framework for tackling this problem, within which we discuss the potential strengths and weaknesses of Levelt et al.'s modeling approach.
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  42. Die Einführung des Begriffpaares opus operans und opus operatum in die Theologie.Arthur M. Landgraf - 1951 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 29:211-223.
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    Where the Beef Is: A Brief Response to Gieryn's Reply.Arthur M. Diamond - 1988 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 13 (1-2):82-82.
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    Remembering the hippocampus.Stuart M. Zola & Larry R. Squire - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):469-471.
    The proposal that the hippocampus is important for the encoding of episodic information, but not familiarity-based recognition, is incompatible with the available data. An alternative way to think about functional specialization within the medial temporal lobe memory system is suggested, based on neuroanatomy.
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    What the papers say: Protein structure and evolution: Similar amino acid sequences sometimes produce strikingly different three‐dimensional structures.Arthur M. Lesk - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (5):213-214.
  46.  24
    Laminin binding proteins.Arthur M. Mercurio & Leslie M. Shaw - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (9):469-473.
    Cells express many proteins that bind to laminin, the major adhesive component of basement membranes. Some of these, specifically integrins, function as transmembrane receptors that ‘signal’ the presence of laminin on the cell surface to the cytoplasm. Lectins constitute a second class of laminin binding proteins that may augment integrin function by interacting with laminin carbohydrate. Caution must be used in ascribing functions to other laminin binding proteins, especially cytosolic proteins.
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    An affordance field for guiding movement and cognition.Arthur M. Glenberg, Monica R. Cowart & Michael P. Kaschak - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):43-44.
    An embodied movement-planning field cannot account for behavior and cognition more abstract than that of reaching. Instead, we propose an affordance field, and we sketch how it could enhance the analysis of the A-not-B error, underlie cognition, and serve as a base for language. Admittedly, a dynamic systems account of an affordance field awaits significant further development.
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  48. (1 other version)Diderot.Arthur M. Wilson - 1974 - Political Theory 2 (4):447-448.
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    (1 other version)America and the world: Isolationism resurgent?Arthur M. Schlesinger - 1996 - Ethics and International Affairs 10:149–163.
    Building on an earlier argument that isolationism may well be America's natural state, Schlesinger explains how the apparent rejection of isolationism during the long standoff with the Soviet Union during the Cold War was nothing more than a reaction to what was perceived as a direct and urgent threat to the security of the United States. In the wake of the Cold War's end, the incompatibility between collective international action and conceptions of national interest has highlighted the difficulties of democracies (...)
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    The reflexive universe.Arthur M. Young - 1973 - [n.p.]: Big Sur Recordings.
    Twentieth-century developments in quantum physics, together with an emerging science of consciousness, have created the need for a new cosmology, or model of the universe. The theory of process contained in THE REFLEXIVE UNIVERSE places consciousness within the context of contemporary science. One of the central themes of this extraordinary work is that each successive organization of matter, from fundamental particles in physics to living organisms, expresses a particular stage in the evolution of mind. Starting with the photon, the basic (...)
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